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Indonesia reach52 Impact community health worker engaging a resident

Unlocking healthcare access in underserved communities and emerging markets

Kenya Community Health Worker engages residents in the community
South Africa Community Health Worker does health screening for resident
India Community Health Workers takes the MUAC measurement for a resident
Diabetes screening

We overcome traditional access challenges to deliver healthcare to underserved communities through
three innovative ways:

Strong and trusted network of reach52 Impact Community health workers who are trusted women in the communities
reach52 Community health worker uses the reach52 Impact app to collect health data

We partner with and train the local health workforce.

We train and empower local doctors, nurses, CHWs and trusted local women to be reach52 Health Educators and deliver healthcare to their own communities, strengthening the local healthcare system from within.  

We equip them with an app tailored for offline communities.

Our Health Educators are equipped with our offline-first mobile app that helps them deliver healthcare support efficiently and effectively, even in areas with low or no internet connection.  

Community health workers in the Philippines are trained to use the reach52 app
Community health workers are digitally trained and receive upskilling
Using data collected on the ground, our tech platform generates insights on pressing public health issues
Data collected enables us to apply filters and target at-risk residents
We collect data from residents including demographic and family history data

We use a data-driven approach.

Using data collected on the ground, we generate insights on pressing public health issues in each community. This makes our work more cost-effective and impactful as we are able to focus on beneficiaries who would benefit most from our tailored engagements.  

Partner with reach52 Impact

Hyper-targeted community health interventions aligned with your specific goals and health areas.

We conduct healthcare awareness and education campaigns through events and door to door engagements

Awareness & Education

We conduct door to door and event screenings and referral to local healthcare facilities

Screenings & Referral

We offer dedicated health worker training in a wide range of healthcare topics

Health Worker

reach52 Impact app used for data collection and engagement

Custom campaigns, such as evidence generation

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